## --------------------------------------------------------------- ## config.ini ## --------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## DIST_TIN intersections with the (inside) torus ## DIST_TOUT intersections with the (outside) torus ## DIST_BG intersections with the background ## TEMP_ASSIGN planch temperature assignment ## ## BG_IMAGE background image ## TORUS_IMAGE torus image ## BH_COLOR color representing the black hole ## ## PSI_FACTOR psi factor ## PSI_PART psi part ## ZETA_FACTOR zeta factor ## ZETA_PART zeta part ## TRANSPARENCY transparency of the torus (1:full transparent, 0:opaque) ## DARKNESS light reduction by affine parameter distance ## ## BETA velocity ## TAU initial proper time tau/rs ## TAU_STEP proper time step tau_step/rs ## ## G_OFFSET offset for gray->temp assignment ## G_SLOPE slope for gray->temp assignment ## ## FOVY field of view in vertical direction ## FORCE_VIEWDIR force viewing direction to moving direction ## GEOM_REDSHIFT (0:geometric distortion only, 1: redshift) ## ## JOYSTICK_TIME_AXIS axis number for time motion ## JOYSTICK_TIME_DIR direction for time motion ## JOYSTICK_ROLL_AXIS axis number for roll ## JOYSTICK_ROLL_STEP stepsize for roll ## JOYSTICK_ROT_AXIS axis number for rotation ## JOYSTICK_ROT_STEP stepsize for rotation ## JOYSTICK_INIT_BUTTON initialization button ## JOYSTICK_RESET_BUTTON reset button ## ## TEMP_DIR path to directory where images should be saved. ## ## --------------------------------------------------------------- DIST_TIN /tdistCT_2_0.1_4096x1024.tin.bin DIST_TOUT /tdistCT_2_0.1_4096x1024.tout.bin DIST_BG /tdist_2_4096.bg.bin #DIST_TIN /tdistCT_1.5_0.1_4096x1024.tin.bin #DIST_TOUT /tdistCT_1.5_0.1_4096x1024.tout.bin #DIST_BG /tdist_1.5_4096.bg.bin #DIST_TIN /tdistCT_1.15_0.1_4096x1024.tin.bin #DIST_TOUT /tdistCT_1.15_0.1_4096x1024.tout.bin #DIST_BG /tdist_1.15_4096.bg.bin TEMP_ASSIGN /planck_Y1500_16000.bin #TEMP_ASSIGN /planck_Yscaled_16000.bin BG_IMAGE /eso0932a.jpg TORUS_IMAGE /torus_texture.png BH_COLOR 0.3 0.3 0.3 PSI_FACTOR 10.0 PSI_PART 0.8 ZETA_FACTOR 5.0 ZETA_PART 0.9 TRANSPARENCY 0.0 DARKNESS 0.05 BETA 0.5 TAU 0.0 TAU_STEP 0.01 G_OFFSET 0.0 G_SLOPE 1.0 FOVY 20.0 FORCE_VIEWDIR 1 GEOM_REDSHIFT 1 JOYSTICK_TIME_AXIS 2 JOYSTICK_TIME_DIR -1 JOYSTICK_ROLL_AXIS 0 JOYSTICK_ROLL_STEP 0.1 JOYSTICK_ROT_AXIS 3 JOYSTICK_ROT_STEP 0.1 JOYSTICK_INIT_BUTTON 0 JOYSTICK_RESET_BUTTON 1 TEMP_DIR /tmp