Vortrag | Ross Maciejewski, Arizona State University in the School of Computing, Informatics & Decision Systems Engineering

June 19, 2017

Talk as part of the SFB/Transregio 161

Time: June 19, 2017
Venue: University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
Powerwall Room -01.116
Allmandring 19
70569  Stuttgart
Phone: For Konstanz: the talk takes place in the powerwall room C202, transmitted from VISUS, University of Stuttgart
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Ross Maciejewski, Arizona State University in the School of Computing, Informatics & Decision Systems Engineering


Visual Analytics Methods for Spatiotemporal Analysis


From smart phones to fitness trackers to sensor enabled buildings, data is currently being collected at an unprecedented rate. Now, more than ever, data exists that can be used to gain insight into how policy decisions can impact our daily lives. For example, one can imagine using data to help predict where crime may occur next or inform decisions on police resource allocations or diet and activity patterns could be used to provide recommendations for improving an individual's overall health and well-being. For spatial data, the translation of such data into a visual form allows users to quickly 
see patterns, explore summaries and relate domain knowledge about underlying geographical phenomena that would not be apparent in tabular form. However, several critical challenges arise when visualizing and exploring these large spatiotemporal datasets. While, the underlying geographical component of the data lends itself well to 
univariate visualization in the form of traditional cartographic representations (e.g., choropleth, isopleth, dasymetric maps), as the data becomes multivariate, cartographic representations become more complex. In this talk, I will discuss ongoing research in spatiotemporal visualization and analytics, describing examples from criminology, genealogy and demographics.

Speaker’s Bio

Ross Maciejewski is an Associate Professor at Arizona State University in the School of Computing, Informatics & Decision Systems Engineering. His primary research interests are in the areas of geographical visualization and visual analytics focusing on public 
health, dietary analysis, social media, criminal incident reports, and the food-energy-water nexus. He has served on the organizing committee for the IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology and the IEEE/VGTC EuroVis Conference. He is a recipient of an NSF CAREER Award (2014) and was recently named a Fulton Faculty Exemplar and Global Security Fellow at Arizona State.


See  http://www.sfbtrr161.de/events/events.html for all events of the Collaborative Research Center/Transregio 161

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