The Visualization Research Center at the Final Conference in Heidelberg
From 24th to 26th September 2018 the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 716 "Dynamic simulation of systems with large particle numbers" of the University of Stuttgart showed at its Final Conference in Heidelberg the state-of-the-art in particle-based simulation. The Visualization Research Center took also part with their talks of the four subprojects of the SFB D.3, D.4, D.5 and the Public Relations project (Ö). Since 2007 the SFB 716 is funded by the "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" (DFG) and exists until the end of the year.
At the Final Conference of the SFB 716 "Particle Simulations in Natural Science and Engineering" in the Congress Hall Heidelberg about 50 researchers from 15 institutes, their PhD students and eight international respected guests from Engineering and the Material Sciences, Biochemistry, Biophysics and the Computer Sciences took part. They all focussed on the question, how to get closer to real environments in dynamic simulations of atom systems and biomolecules. The astrodome movie of the exhibition „In the digital laboratory", produced by the SFB, was also shown in the House of Astronomy.
f.t.l.: SFB 716 members at the Congress Hall, SFB speaker Prof. Christian Holm, Guest speaker Prof. Volker Springel, HITS Heidelberg
v.l.: House of Astronomy and Audimax Heidelberg, SFB 716 Astrodome movie "In the digital laboratory"
Photoes: SFB 716, University of Stuttgart
Venue: Congress and City Hall, Heidelberg