Your Way to VIS

The VIS is distributed over several buildings

Informatics Building

Department Graphic-Interactive Systems
Department Intelligent Systems

University of Stuttgart
Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems
Universitätstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart

Office: Room 1.453 (1st floor)
: (0711) 685-88404 / 88456
Fax: (0711) 685-88340


Department Human-Computer Interaction and
Cognitive Systems

Pfaffenwaldring 5a | 70569 Stuttgart

Office: Room 1.021 (1st floor)
Phone: (0711) 685-60049
Fax: (0711) 685-50053

VISUS Building

Department Visualization
Department Virtual Reality and Augemnted Reality

Allmandring 19 | 70569 Stuttgart
Office: 01.004 (1st floor)
Phone: (0711) 685-88600
Fax: (0711) 685-88610
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