Review of the conference week in Stuttgart
In the week from 8th to 12th October 2018 the Informatik Forum Stuttgart e.V. (infos) hosted three challenging conferences for computer scientists on the Campus Vaihingen. The Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) and the Visualization Research Center (VISUS) of the University of Stuttgart organized the three conferences 1 st International Conference on Quantification in Visual Computing of the SFB-TRR 161, the 40 th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) and the 23 rd International Symposium on Vision, Modelling, and Visualization (VMV).
The 1st International Conference on "Quantification in Visual Computing (QiVC) from 8th to 9th October 2018 was hosted by the Collaborative Research Center Transregio 161 (SFB TRR 161) and focussed on the more and more crossing methods in the evaluation and validating of tasks in visualization and visual computing.
The joint keynote "Still, In Motion" by Michael Cohen built a bridge to the joint conference "VMV/GCPR 2018", that took place from 9th to 12th October 2018. He shared his experiences of objective and subjective realities in an increasing medial and algorithmic augmented world and gave insights in his career and his future projects as the director of the Computational Photography Group at Facebook.
f.t.l.: Michael Cohen, Raquel Urtasun at their keynote lecture on VMV/GCPR 2018.
From Wednesday until Friday, the GCPR and VMV conferences took place in parallel, with a joint keynote and paper session each conference day. The coffee break featured a new selection of posters from the GCPR conference, that were celebrating its 40 th anniversary. On Wednesday, 10th October 2018, Raquel Urtasun shared her views on the future of autonomous driving in showcasing the latest results of her Research Lab with Uber ATG, Toronto.
On Thursday, 11th October 2018, Metin Sitti amazed and inspired the audience with his ground-breaking results in the area of small-scale soft robotics. He presented a microscale soft robot able to swim, jump, walk, crawl, and even carry and release cargo, which is particularly promising for medical applications. On Friday, Juri Stanossek took us through the “making of” the Mandala sequence of the Jim Button and Luke the Engine Driver movie and showed how technologies like photogrammetry and augmented reality have found their way onto the film set.
f.t.l.: Metin Sitti, Juri Stanossek demonstrated their approaches in Visual Computing on the joint conference VMV/GCPR 2018 in Stuttgart.
Learn more in the Visual Computing Blog of the SFB TRR 161 and on Twitter:
#GCPR18, #Pattern Recognition, #VMV18, #VisualEffects, #ComputerGraphics, #QiVC2018