The Gödel Universe - Physical Aspects and Egocentric Visualizations
Frank Grave
Universität Stuttgart - 1. Institut für Theoretische Physik
Light cones and wavefronts: Fig. 7.1, Fig. 7.2
Coordinate grids: Fig. 7.5,Fig. 7.6
Pushung a sphere across the horizon, without and with point light source: Fig. 7.14, Fig. 7.17
Light source circling object: Fig. 7.18
Pushing object up- and downwards, then across the horizon: Fig. 7.20, Fig. 7.21
Pushing light source upwards: Fig. 7.22a, Fig. 7.22b
Pushing one sphere "behind" another: Fig. 7.23
Causal motion, visual and red shift: Fig. 7.29a-d, Fig. 7.22b
Causal motion, visual and red shift, later time: Fig. 7.29a-d, Fig. 7.29e-h
Causal motion, time shifts: Fig. 30a-d, Fig. 30e-h
Geodesical time travel: Fig. 34a-e, Fig. 34f-j
Geodesical time travel and higher order images: Fig. 35, Fig. 36a, Fig. 36b, Fig. 36c
Motion on a CTC, time shift and visual impressions: Fig. 7.40, Fig. 7.41a-e
Motion on a CTC, redshift: Fig.7.41f-j, Fig.7.42a, Fig. 7.42b, Fig. 7.42c
Circular motion around origin, visual and red shift: Fig. 8.1a, Fig. 8.1b
Circular motion around origin, time shift: Fig. 8.2
Hipparcos catalog, changing Gödel radius: Fig. 8.3, Fig. 8.4
Flying through Hipparcos catalog: Fig. 8.5
Enterprise in the Gödel universe: Fig. 8.6 (HQ), Fig. 8.6 (MQ), Fig. 8.6 (LQ)