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by arrangement
My research focuses on information visualization and visual analytics techniques and systems. Visual analytics is an emerging research field to tackle big data analysis challenges. It creates added value by combining the processing power and accuracy of machines with human capabilities to perceive information visually. Automatic means are used to fuse and aggregate data and to detect hidden patterns therein. Interactive visualizations allow to explore and query the data and to steer the automatic processes with domain knowledge. This increases trust in data, models, and results, which is especially important when critical decisions need to be made. The strengths of visual analytics have been shown to be particularly advantageous when problems and goals are underspecified and exploratory means are needed to discover yet unknown patterns. My specific fields of research comprise the analysis of mobility/movement data and social media data. Furthermore, I work on predictive analytics approaches. Recently, immersive analytics became a new field of interest.
Winter Term 12/13 Übungsgruppe: Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Summer Term 13 Ausarbeitung: Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen Winter Term 13/14
Seminar: Visual Analytics von sozialen Medien
Summer Term 14 Seminar: Techniken und Toolkits für die Visualisierung
Winter Term 14/15 Übungsgruppe: Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
Summer Term 15 StuPro "Crowd"
Winter Term 15/16 StuPro "Crowd" / Seminar: Virtual Reality Summer Term 16 Seminar: Interactive Visualization
Summer Term 17 Seminar: Information Visualization of High-Dimensional Data
[Fachstudie] Evaluation verfügbarer VisualAnalytics Toolkits anhand von Benchmark-Datensätzen, 2013
[Bachelorarbeit] Processing Dynamic Computer Network Data for Visual Analysis, 2013
[Bachelorarbeit] Visual Analytics of Dynamic Computer Network Data, 2013
[Diplomarbeit] Visualisierung von Besucherbewegungen in Innenräumen, 2014
[Bachelorarbeit] Ein interaktiver Ansatz zur visuellen Analyse von Trajektorien basierend auf einem Partition-and-Group Clustering Framework 2014/15
[Bachelorarbeit] Visuelle Analyse von Informationsdiffusion für den Zivilschutz 2014/2015
[ProjInf] Interaktive Exploration von Immersiven Beleuchteten 3D Streudiagrammen 2015
[StuPro] Cross-Media Orchestration Workbench for Decision-making 2015/2016
[Bachelorarbeit] Exploration von komplexen Datensätzen in Multi-Display Environments 2015/2016
[Masterarbeit] Semi-automatische Erkennung von Meinungsbildern in Nachrichtenartikeln 2015/2016
[Bachelorarbeit] Weiterentwicklung einer Anfragevisualisierung für Ereignissequenzen 2016
[ProjInf] Visual Analysis of Driver Behavior Based on Large Taxi Fleet Data 2016
[Bachelorarbeit] Ein interaktiver visueller Ansatz für das Map Matching von großen Bewegungsdatensätzen 2016/2017
[Masterarbeit] Visual Analytics of City Dynamics using Soical Media Data 2016/2017
[Masterarbeit] Visual Prediction of Quantitative Information using Social Media Data [laufend]
EU H2020 Project: Cimplex - Bringing CItizens, Models and Data together in Participatory, Interactive SociaL EXploratories
vis framework demo page:
youTube channel:
Mobile Talent Award - MFG Badenwürttemberg 2010, Karlsruhe VAST Challenge 2012 - MC1 -
Honorable Mention Award: Comprehensive Visualization Suite VAST Challenge 2013 - MC1 -
Honorable Mention Award: Deep Visual Exploration of Features VAST Challenge 2015 -
Grand Challenge - Award for Outstanding Comprehensive Submission IEEE Pacific Visualization 2014 -
Best Paper Award VISIGRAPP - IVAPP 2016
Best Paper Award BDVA 2017 - Best Paper Award