Workshop on open source software in particle-based simulation
From 8th to 12th October 2018 the Collaborative Research Center 716 invited to this year's CECAM Summer School "Particle-based Simulations for Hard and Soft Matter" at the Institute for Computional Physics (ICP). The hands-on workshop gave an introduction into the methods of the simulation of Molecular Dynamics and the open source software for particle-based simulation and visualization.
In his lecture "Visualization using MegaMol" Dr. Guido Reina from the Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart explained the functionality of the visualization software "MegaMol". It was developed by the Visualization Research Center. It visualizes and allows to interactively analyze particle-based data from the simulation of Molecular Dynamics. In a MegaMol hands-on tutorial the VISUS PhD researchers Karsten Schatz and Patrick Gralka gave an overview of current features of the visualization framework. In the workshop the participants were able to test the extended user interface to create video snippets directly from the framework, e.g. in slow motion.
Foto: ICP, University of Stuttgart
Venue: Institute for Computional Physics (ICP), Allmandring 3, Campus Vaihingen