Girls go for Technology
The aim of the Girls' Day is to inspire young girls for technology. Since the beginning in 2001 about 1.8 billion girls have participated. On April 26, 2018 the Visualisation Research Center of the University of Stuttgart offered two workshops especially for them.
Workshop "A picture says a thousand words "
In the workshop "A picture says a thousand words" 16 school girls of the classes 9 and 10 were introduced into the world of computer visualisation and the framework "MegaMol" by three scientists at the VISUS's computer pool. Equipped with a hands-on sheet they created their own three-dimensional animations (e.g. of colliding balls) and were finally able to model even complexe molecular-based data from physical applications and data from protein sturctures on their own.
Workshop "Create your own screensaver"
Another workshop at the VISUS "Code? I can do! - Create your own screensaver" was offered to school girls of the classes 7 to 10. In different colours, the workshop offered them the oportunity to code and shape their own screensaver. To get started in coding the girls received jump start from the scientists of the VISUS. Quickly the pupils were fit in the coding of visualisation data and were able to scetch their ideas on the computer. The results of the workshops were the individual built screensavers which the girls were permitted to take home.
Appointment: April 26, 2018 9 am to 1:30 pm
Venue: VISUS Visualisation Research Center of the University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen, Allmandring 19