This image shows Dominik Herr

Dominik Herr


Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)


Business card (VCF)


Scalable Visual Analytics for advanced Manufacturing

In Visual Analytics automated data mining algorithms and visualizations are enhanced and combined through user interaction. This concept can be used in advanced Manufacturing to gain insights about production processes and to optimize them.

To gain these insights, it is necessary to understand the cause-effect relation of events reported in production lines, as well as trends and patterns for the reported events.

My research focuses are

  • the spatio-temporal analysis of events, especially in the context of the production domain,
  • the analysis of repeating event patterns, and
  • the optimization of process sequences in context of advanced Manufacturing through visual analytics and augmented reality.
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  1. 2022

    1. Becher, Michael ; Herr, Dominik ; Müller, Christoph ; Kurzhals, Kuno ; Reina, Guido ; Wagner, Lena ; Ertl, Thomas ; Weiskopf, Daniel: Situated Visual Analysis and Live Monitoring for Manufacturing. In: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. (2022), S. 1–1
  2. 2018

    1. Herr, Dominik ; Beck, Fabian ; Ertl, Thomas: Visual Analytics for Decomposing Temporal Event Series of Production Lines. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Information Visualization (IV’18), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Information Visualization (IV’18), 2018. — (to appear)
    2. Müller, Christoph ; Krone, Michael ; Huber, Markus ; Biener, Verena ; Herr, Dominik ; Koch, Steffen ; Reina, Guido ; Weiskopf, Daniel ; u. a.: Interactive Molecular Graphics for Augmented Reality Using HoloLens. In: Schreiber, F. ; Hofestädt, R. (Hrsg.) Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. Bd. 15 (2018), Nr. 2
    3. Herr, Dominik ; Reinhardt, Jan ; Reina, Guido ; Krüger, Robert ; Ferrari, Rafael V ; Ertl, Thomas: Immersive Modular Factory Layout Planning using Augmented Reality. In: Procedia CIRP, Procedia CIRP. Bd. 72, Elsevier (2018), S. 1112–1117
  3. 2017

    1. Herr, Dominik ; Reinhardt, Jan ; Krüger, Robert ; Reina, Guido ; Ertl, Thomas: Immersive Visual Analytics for Modular Factory Layout Planning. In: IEEE (Hrsg.) ; IEEE (Hrsg.): Workshop on Immersive Analytics, Workshop on Immersive Analytics : IEEE, 2017
    2. Herr, Dominik ; Han, Qi ; Lohmann, Steffen ; Ertl, Thomas: Hierarchy-based projection of high-dimensional Labeled Data to Reduce Visual Clutter. In: Computers & Graphics, Computers & Graphics. Bd. 62 (2017)
  4. 2016

    1. Herr, Dominik ; Han, Qi ; Lohmann, Steffen ; Ertl, Thomas: Visual Clutter Reduction through Hierarchy-based Projection of High-dimensional Labeled Data. In: International Conference on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques Graphics Interface 2016, International Conference on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques Graphics Interface 2016, 2016
  5. 2015

    1. Krüger, Robert ; Herr, Dominik ; Haag, Florian ; Ertl, Thomas: Inspector-Gadget: Integrating Data Preprocessing and Orchestration in the Visual Analysis Loop. In: International Workshop on Visual Analytics EuroVA, International Workshop on Visual Analytics EuroVA, 2015
  6. 2014

    1. Herr, Dominik ; Han, Qi ; Lohmann, Steffen ; Brügmann, Sören ; Ertl, Thomas: Visual Exploration of Patent Collections with IPC Clouds. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Patent Mining and Its Applications (IPaMin 2014), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Patent Mining and Its Applications (IPaMin 2014). Bd. 1292 :, 2014
    2. Raschke, Michael ; Herr, Dominik ; Blascheck, Tanja ; Burch, Michael ; Schrauf, Michael ; Willmann, Sven ; Ertl, Thomas: A Visual Approach for Scan Path Comparison. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications : ACM, 2014, S. 135–142

Summer Term   2014: Seminar Techniken und Toolkits für die Visualisierung

Winter Term 2014/15: Seminar Visual Analytics von sozialen Medien

Summer Term   2015: Practical Course Practical Course Visual Computing

Winter Term 2015/16: Lecture Information Visualization and Visual Analytics

Summer Term   2016: Lecture Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen

Winter Term 2016/17: Lecture Information Visualization and Visual Analytics

Summer Term   2017: Advanced Seminar Information Visualization for High-Dimensional Data

Winter Term 2017/18: Advanced Seminar Multifield Visualization

Summer Term   2018: Seminar Computergraphik in Spielen


Visuelle Definition und Anzeige von Pfadmustern in Graphen

Coffeelytics – Advancing Visual Analytics through Coffee Consumption


Navigation Concepts for the Visual Exploration of Spatialized Documents

Mining and Visualization of Processes in a Complex Software System

Grouping Eye Tracking Data with Appropriate Similarity Functions

Visual Support of a Simulation to Optimize Travel Paths in Manufacturing

Support of a knowledge management system using visualization and gamification

Processing of Spatial Mappings of Augmented Reality Glasses using a Production Simulator as an Example


Comparison of a Visual Analytics Simulation with Real World Manufacturing Lines

Suitability of Augmented Reality Glasses for Visual Analysis in Production and Manufacturing

Visual Correlation Analytics of Event-based Error Reports for Advanced Manufacturing

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