Foveated Encoding for Large High-Resolution Displays. Photos from publication showing foveated and non-fovetaed regions

LDAV Best Paper Award

9. November 2020 / Leon Kokkoliadis

VIS/US researchers received the Best Paper Award at the 10th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV).

VIS/US researchers Florian Frieß, Matthias Braun, Valentin Bruder, Steffen Frey, Guido Reina, and Thomas Ertl received the Best Paper Award at the 10th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV).

In their awarded publication "Foveated Encoding for Large High-Resolution Displays" they present a system that dynamically adapts the encoding quality in a way that reduces the required bandwidth without impacting the details perceived by one or more observers on large displays. This system can be useful for collaborative exploration of scientific data sets across large high-resolution display.

Their system is based on the tracking of the observers' gaze, which allows to identify areas of the image that are important for the observers. The image quality needs to be high in these regions, while the quality of surrounding areas can be lowered with barely noticeable changes in visual quality. This leads to a reduction in the required bandwidth, which is crucial for collaborative analysis across display walls with big data sets.

About LDAV

The 10th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) was held virtual on October 25, 2020. It "brings together domain scientists, data analysts, visualization researchers, and users to foster common ground for solving both near- and long-term problems. [...] Topic emphasis is on algorithms, languages, systems, and/or hardware solutions that support the collection, analysis, manipulation, or visualization of large-scale data." (

LDAV was held in conjuction with the virtual IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS).

14 Contributions from VIS/US for 2020 IEEE VIS

The IEEE VIS is one of the top venues for visualization research worldwide. This year 14 papers from VIS/US researchers were accepted:


Foveated Encoding for Large High-Resolution Displays. Photos from publication showing foveated and non-fovetaed regions
Two photos that show the difference between no foveated region (left) and the foveated region (right) at the example of parallel coordinates. The lines on the left photo are not clearly visible. The same is true outside of the foveated region, but the lines inside it are clearly visible.

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