A trip to the end of the universe and the twin "paradox"

A trip to the end of the universe and the twin "paradox"

Thomas Müller, Andreas King, Daria Adis

In principal, the twin paradox offers the possibility to go on a trip to the center of our galaxy or even to the end of our universe within life time. In order to be a most comfortable journey the voyaging twin accelerates with one earth gravity. We developed some Java applets to visualize what both twins could really measure, namely time signals and light coming from the surrounding sky.

The Applets

Accelerated motion and
observation of time signals
Visualization of the stellar sky
For a short introduction click here. For a short introduction click here.
Download the applet here (310kB);   Shell-script Download the applet here (4.9MB);   Shell-script
Start the applet with 'java -jar twinparadoxon.jar'. Start the applet with 'java -jar -Xmx1024m RelativisticSky.jar'.



Visualisierungsinstitut der Universität Stuttgart (VISUS)
Allmandring 19
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Email: Thomas.Mueller@vis.uni-stuttgart.de

All contents copyright © 2006, Thomas Müller, Andreas King, Daria Adis
All rights reserved. 

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