Dieses Bild zeigt Klaus Engel

Klaus Engel


Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme (VIS)


Visitenkarte (VCF)

  1. 2003

    1. Weiskopf, Daniel ; Engel, Klaus ; Ertl, Thomas: Interactive Clipping Techniques for Texture-Based Volume Visualization and Volume Shading. In: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Bd. 9 (2003), Nr. 3
    2. Reina, Guido ; Lange-Last, S. ; Engel, Klaus ; Ertl, Thomas: Guided Navigation in Task-Oriented 3D Graph Visualizations. In: Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics ’03, Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics ’03, 2003
  2. 2002

    1. Weiskopf, Daniel ; Engel, Klaus ; Ertl, Thomas: Volume Clipping via Per-Fragment Operations in Texture-Based Volume Visualization. In: Proceedings of IEEE Visualization ’02, Proceedings of IEEE Visualization ’02, 2002
  3. 2001

    1. Oellien, F. ; Ihlenfeldt, W. D. ; Engel, Klaus ; Ertl, Thomas: Multi-Variate Interactive Visualization of Data from Digital Laboratory Notebooks. In: ECDL: Workshop Generalized Documents, ECDL: Workshop Generalized Documents, 2001
    2. Engel, Klaus ; Kraus, Martin ; Ertl, Thomas: High-Quality Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering Using Hardware-Accelerated Pixel Shading. In: Eurographics / SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware ’01, Eurographics / SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware ’01 : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 2001
    3. Tomandl, Bernd F. ; Hastreiter, Peter ; Rezk-Salama, Christof ; Engel, Klaus ; Ertl, Thomas ; Huk, Walter J. ; Naraghi, Ramin ; Ganslandt, Oliver ; u. a.: Local and Remote Visualization Techniques for Interactive Direct Volume Rendering in Neuroradiology. In: RadioGraphics, RadioGraphics. (2001)
  4. 2000

    1. Tomandl, Bernd F. ; Engel, Klaus ; Eberhardt, Knuth E. W. ; Hastreiter, Peter ; Nimsky, Christopher ; Huk, Walter J.: Combining Local and Remote Visualization Techniques for Interactive Volume Rendering in Neuroradiology. In: Scientific Program of RSNA ’00, Scientific Program of RSNA ’00. Bd. 217, 2000
    2. Engel, Klaus ; Hastreiter, Peter ; Tomandl, Bernd F. ; Eberhardt, Knuth E. W. ; Ertl, Thomas: Combining Local and Remote Visualization Techniques for Interactive Volume Rendering in Medical Applications. In: Proceedings of IEEE Visualization ’00, Proceedings of IEEE Visualization ’00, 2000
    3. Engel, Klaus ; Oellien, F. ; Ertl, Thomas ; Ihlenfeldt, W. D.: Client-Server-Strategien zur Visualisierung komplexer Struktureigenschaften in digitalen Dokumenten der Chemie. In: IT+TI 6/2000 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, IT+TI 6/2000 Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, 2000
    4. Rezk-Salama, Christof ; Engel, Klaus ; Bauer, M. ; Greiner, G. ; Ertl, Thomas: Interactive Volume Rendering on Standard PC Graphics Hardware Using Multi-Textures and Multi-Stage-Rasterization. In: Eurographics / SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware ’00, Eurographics / SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware ’00 : Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 2000
    5. Engel, Klaus ; Sommer, Ove ; Ertl, Thomas: A Framework for Interactive Hardware Accelerated Remote 3D-Visualization. In: de Leeuw, W. ; van Liere, R. (Hrsg.) ; de Leeuw, W. ; van Liere, R. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of EG/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization VisSym ’00, Proceedings of EG/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization VisSym ’00, 2000
  5. 1999

    1. Engel, Klaus ; Sommer, Ove ; Ernst, C. ; Ertl, Thomas: Remote 3D Visualization using Image-Streaming Techniques. In: Advances in Intelligent Computing and Multimedia Systems (ISIMADE ’99), Advances in Intelligent Computing and Multimedia Systems (ISIMADE ’99), 1999
    2. Engel, Klaus ; Westermann, Rüdiger ; Ertl, Thomas: Isosurface Extraction Techniques for Web-based Volume Visualization. In: Proc. Visualization ’99, Proc. Visualization ’99, 1999
    3. Engel, Klaus ; Ertl, Thomas: Texture-based Volume Visualization for Multiple Users on the World Wide Web. In: Gervautz, M. ; Hildebrand, A. ; Schmalstieg, D. (Hrsg.) ; Gervautz, M. ; Hildebrand, A. ; Schmalstieg, D. (Hrsg.): Virtual Environments ’99, Virtual Environments ’99 : Springer, 1999
  6. 1998

    1. Engel, Klaus ; Grosso, Roberto ; Ertl, Thomas: Progressive Iso-Surfaces on the Web. In: Late Breaking Hot Topics, Late Breaking Hot Topics, 1998
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