- Gois, Joao Paulo ; Polizelli-Junior, Valdecir ; Etiene, Tiago ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Castelo, Antonio ; Nonato, Luis Gustavo ; Ertl, Thomas: Twofold adaptive partition of unity implicits. In: The Visual Computer, The Visual Computer. Bd. 24 (2008), Nr. 12
- Schafhitzel, Tobias ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Weiskopf, Daniel ; Ertl, Thomas: Point-based Stream Surfaces and Path Surfaces. In: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007, Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007, 2007
- Tejada, Eduardo ; Schafhitzel, Tobias ; Ertl, Thomas: Hardware-accelerated point-based rendering of surfaces and volumes. In: Proceedings of WSCG 2007 Full Papers, Proceedings of WSCG 2007 Full Papers, 2007
- Paulo, João ; Gois, Joao Paulo ; Polizelli-Junior, Valdecir ; Etiene, Tiago ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Castelo, Antonio ; Nonato, Luis Gustavo ; Ertl, Thomas: Robust and Adaptive Surface Reconstruction using Partition of Unity Implicits. In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing : IEEE CS Press, 2007
- Botchen, Ralf P. ; Lauser, Andreas ; Rößler, Friedemann ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Ertl, Thomas: Enhancing the Interactive Visualization of Procedurally Encoded Multifield Data with Ellipsoidal Basis Functions. In: Proceedings of Eurographics 2006, Proceedings of Eurographics 2006, 2006
- Gois, Joao Paulo ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Etiene, Tiago ; Nonato, Luis Gustavo ; Castelo, Antonio ; Ertl, Thomas: Curvature-driven Modeling and Rendering of Point-Based Surfaces. In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing : IEEE CS Press, 2006
- Svakhine, Nikolai A. ; Ebert, David S. ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Ertl, Thomas ; Gaither, Kelly P.: Pre-integrated Flow Illustration for Tetrahedral Meshes. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volume Graphics ’06, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Volume Graphics ’06, 2006
- Rößler, Friedemann ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Fangmeier, Thomas ; Ertl, Thomas ; Knauff, Markus: GPU-based Multi-Volume Rendering for the Visualization of Functional Brain Images. In: Proceedings of SimVis 2006, Proceedings of SimVis 2006, 2006
- Cuadros-Vargas, Alex J. ; Nonato, Luis Gustavo ; Tejada, Eduardo ; Ertl, Thomas: Generating Segmented Tetrahedral Meshes from Regular Volume Data for Simulation and Visualization Applications. In: Proceedings of CompIMAGE, Proceedings of CompIMAGE, 2006
- Tejada, Eduardo ; Gois, Joao Paulo ; Nonato, Luis Gustavo ; Castelo, Antonio ; Ertl, Thomas: Hardware-accelerated Extraction and Rendering of Point Set Surfaces. In: Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, 2006
- Tejada, Eduardo ; Ertl, Thomas: Large Steps in GPU-based Deformable Bodies Simulation. In: Kolb, A. (Hrsg.) Simulation. Practice and Theory. Special Issue on Programmable Graphics Hardware, Simulation. Practice and Theory. Special Issue on Programmable Graphics Hardware. Bd. 13, Elsevier (2005), Nr. 8
- Tejada, Eduardo ; Minghim, Rosane: Improved visual clustering of large multi-dimensional datasets. In: Proceedings of the International Information Visualization Conference’05, Proceedings of the International Information Visualization Conference’05, 2005