Dieses Bild zeigt Francesca Zermiani

Francesca Zermiani

Frau M.A.

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Visualisierung und Interaktive Systeme (VIS), Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Abteilung Collaborative Artificial Intelligence (CAI), Abteilung Lehren und Lernen mit intelligenten Systemen


Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D
70171 Stuttgart
Raum: 3.347

Zermiani, F. (2021). Is a wandering mind always a distracted mind? Identifying the costs and benefits of mind wandering in learning contexts. In  Proceeding of the 3rd German Human Factors Summer School. 30-31.

Raquel G. Alhama, Francesca Zermiani and Atiqah Khaliq (2021). Retrodiction as Delayed Recurrence: the Case of Adjectives in Italian and English. In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association [ALTA2021]

Zermiani, F., Khaliq, A., & Alhama, R.G. (2020). ‘Long nose’ and ‘naso lungo’: establishing the need for retrodiction in computational models of word learning. Extended abstract at Many Paths to Language Conference.

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